3 Professions Related to Big Data That are Needed in the Next Five Years

3 Professions Related to Big Data That are Needed in the Next Five Years

Have you ever used social media advertising features to promote your product? Or after you use Google to search for product information, suddenly the product ad appears on your social media feed?

Facebook, Instagram, and other social media take advantage of the big data of internet users they have to place advertising services. Not only social media, but big data is also widely used by other industries to implement their business strategies.

Big Data is a collection of data whose size exceeds the capabilities of common database software tools. The data is very large, varied, fast-growing, and may not be structured. This makes big data need to be specially processed with innovative technology so that it gets in-depth information and can help make better decisions.

The development of big data opens up countless opportunities to capture the insights that drive innovation. This also opens up new professional opportunities.

Nowadays, people know data analysts, data scientists, and data engineers as professions related to big data. However, how will the development of the profession related to big data be in the future? Here are some of the professions related to big data that are needed in the next five years:

  1. AI Specialist

The term Artificial Intelligence Specialist or AI Specialist feels so foreign to most people or maybe still very rare in Indonesia. However, AI Specialists will definitely be needed a lot in the future because of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

Quoting from Technojobs.co.uk, AI Specialists are people who are experts in computer programming with the main task of checking hypotheses. This hypothesis checking is carried out using cognitive simulations which function to test the workings of the human mind.

To become an AI Specialist, you have to meet many criteria. Most AI Specialists already have a master’s degree.


  1. Cloud Computing specialist

A basic definition of cloud computing is when companies move physical information technology (IT) activities, such as file storage and on-site servers, to a virtual environment. As a cloud computing specialist, you will utilize these virtual environments to create streamlined operations for companies.

A cloud computing specialist helps companies migrate their information and services into the cloud. It is essential that there is no interruption in services during this migration. You will help ensure this by analyzing a company’s needs and helping them select the appropriate cloud technology. Your responsibilities may involve providing design input, collaborating with customer service and analysts on project milestones, and analyzing weaknesses, and recommending system improvements.

  1. Cybersecurity Specialist

Data is the new gold in the digital world. It is important for us to maintain this data so that it is not misused for cybercrime. Security experts serve as the gatekeepers of information systems, helping to protect data housed in computer systems and networks from unwanted cyber attacks, malware, and data breaches, which are growing more sophisticated each day.

As stated by the President of the ASEAN Chief Information Officer Association, Chaicharearn Atibaedya, the main cause of the weak security system is a lack of professional resources. Therefore, it is necessary to have good communication between countries in ASEAN, commitment to developing certified resources, and concern for cybersecurity.

You can advance the career path of a cybersecurity specialist in a more promising direction. If you want to become a penetration tester or white-hat hacker, you can take the CEH course. If you want to become a Computer Forensic Specialist, you can take part in CHFI coaching.

Interested in pursuing a profession related to big data? Wait no more, don’t hesitate to contact our consultant and find out more.

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