Focus Group Discussion Swiss German University Bekerjasama dengan BRIN Dalam Pengembangan Indonesian Natural Product Library (INPL)
Ilmuwan Indonesia Susun Peta Kimia Tempe
Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony between Swiss German University and Universitas Putera Batam
SGU Motori Kolaborasi Rektor dan Dekan 9 Negara Untuk Pendidikan Bidang Pangan
SGU Motori Kolaborasi Rektor dan Dekan 9 Negara Untuk Pendidikan Bidang Pangan Ketahanan pangan adalah kekuatan negara dan bangsa. Kepala Badan Ketahanan Pangan, Dr. Ir. Agung Hendriadi, M. Eng. memaparkan bahwa sistem pangan yang baik tidak dapat bergantung hanya pada produksi namun keseluruhan sistem pangan mulai dari petani, distribusi, kemasan, bahkan hingga sampahnya. Deputi Pengembangan
Akselerasi Ekonomi Kreatif Saat Pandemi, Hadirkan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi
Akselerasi Ekonomi Kreatif Saat Pandemi, Hadirkan Inovasi dan Kolaborasi Ketika satu pintu tertutup, pintu lain dibukakan, kalau pintu lain juga tertutup, mari kita buka jendela. Demikian kelakar ketua panitia Dr. Maria Gunawan-Puteri, ketua program studi teknologi pangan Swiss German University, pada saat konferensi pers the IC-FANRES 2021. Pandemi ini rasanya memang seperti pintu yang semua
Masa Pandemi Tidak Menghalangi Program Merdeka Belajar Keluar Negeri
Getting to Know the Effects of Taking Drugs #PelangMelawanNarkoba Start Now!
People use drugs for many reasons: they want to feel good, stop feeling bad, or perform better in school or at work, or they are curious because others are doing it and they want to fit in. Drugs excite the parts of the brain that make you feel good. But after you take a drug
SGU and Albstadt-Sigmaringen University Sign the New Dual Degree Programs
To meet the demands, current changes and the need to connect and match with the world of business and industry, and to prepare students in the world of work, SGU expanded new partner university for double degree program. On Friday, 18 June 2021 the Signing Ceremony of the Academic Collaboration Agreement (ACA) was held.
SGU Global Strategic Communications – Creative Arts Against Sexual Harassment Competition
Last Friday, 5 March 2021, SGU Global Strategic Communications hosted Creative Arts Against Sexual Harassment Competition: Winner Announcement online. This event was held as the culmination of a series of events that had previously been taking place since mid-February 2021. At that time, SGU Global Strategic Communications invited a speaker, Prof. Alimatul Qibtiyah, S. Ag.,