Workshop in Digital Marketing & Taxation for SGU Business Incubator Tenants

Workshop in Digital Marketing & Taxation for SGU Business Incubator Tenants

Swiss German University Business Incubator Department under the Directorate of Academic Research & Community Services held the Digital Marketing Strategy and Financial & Taxation Issues workshops to all tenants appointed by Kementerian Riset, Teknologi Dan Pendidikan Tinggi (KEMENRISTEKDIKTI). The workshops took place on 28 September 2018 at SGU Kuningan campus, South Jakarta.
During the workshops, the tenants learned how marketing should be conducted in this digital era. In addition, they also got basic knowledge of taxes that apply to the several type of their businesses.

The digital marketing workshop was delivered by M. Riyadh Rizky Adam, S.T., M.SM, while the taxation material was delivered by Ir. Nurdayadi, M.Sc.

It is hoped that through this workshop, the startup businesses owned by the tenants could gain some updates and insights related to the digital marketing and taxation fields.